Charles-Eric LEMAIGNEN, vice president, Orléans Métropole
Marc DELAYER, Managing Director, Transports Publics du Choletais, AGIR Transport
Françoise ROSSIGNOL, vice president in charge of mobility, Communauté Urbaine d'Arras and Mayor of Dainville
Bénédicte NEUMAGER, Director, Territorial Development, Transdev
Florence DARTIGUEPEYROU, Deputy Director general of communication, SNCF Réseau
Lucie ETONNO, Regional councillor of Pays de la Loire
Luc FRANÇOIS, vice president Transport and Mobility, Saint-Etienne Métropole
Patrick HATZIG, vice president of Mobility, Métropole du Grand Nancy
Jean-Michel LATTES, Chief Executive Officer, Tisséo Collectivités
Patrice LOVISA, Director, Surface Network Department, Groupe RATP
Clément MICHEL, Chief Executive Officer, France Paris-Ile-de-France & Territories, Keolis
Scheherazade ZEKRI, Director, Strategy, Bids & New Mobility, SNCF Voyageurs
Updated November 14, 2023